Legal information

Please carefully read the various terms and conditions of use of this site before browsing its pages. By logging on to this site, you accept these terms and conditions without reservation. Also, in accordance with Article n°6 of Law n°2004-575 of 21 June 2004 for confidence in the digital economy, the persons in charge of this website are :



Corporate  name : TROIS POINT QUATORZE (a French limited liability company formed by persons carrying on a professional activity)

Headquarters: 23 rue Sala 69002 Lyon, France
Trade and Companies registry of LYON – 797 732 138 – Share capital: 200,000 euros
Subject to VAT undercnumber FR 10 797732138

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Publication director : Maître Valérie Chazaud, Lawyer of the Lyon Bar Association.


Website hosting

OVH, 2 rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix – (French simplified joint stock company with a share capital of 10 069 020 € – Lille Trade and Companies registry 424 761 419 00045)


Graphic design and technical set up of the website:

Agence Comète


Photo credits:




The website is the property of the law firm TROIS POINT QUATORZE.

It is governed by French and international legislation on copyright and intellectual property. All reproduction rights are reserved, including for downloadable documents and iconographic and photographic representations. It constitutes an original work protected by intellectual property law. In application of the intellectual property code, each of the elements that make it up, including any text, illustration, photograph, logo, graphic design, documentation, plan, drawing, animation, video, sound, cannot be used, represented or reproduced on any medium whatsoever without the prior authorization of the company TROIS POINT QUATORZE (

Madam Valérie Chazaud is the owner of the rights, titles and interests related to the name and trademark TROIS POINT QUATORZE. Any use of this name and trademark is prohibited without the prior authorization of Madame Valérie Chazaud.


Personal data

The company TROIS POINT QUATORZE may collect, use, store or process personal information relating to a client or a prospect. As such, the user who fills out a contact form in order to be contacted, or who request online an appointment, consents to the use and collection of its personal data. The data controller is the company TROIS POINT QUATORZE and the purpose is as follows: management of clients and prospects contact and appointment request; communication. This processing is carried out in accordance with the applicable law and regulations. The client and any natural person concerned by a processing can exercise its right of opposition, rectification and deletion at the following address:


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